Sword Art Online Volume 16 – Alicization Exploding Chapter 18 – War of the Underworld 14 Kosogi secretly passed down a directive to his trusted commanding officers right before the Great Gate crumbled. The moment the slave skull given to him clicked into movement and delivered the assault order from the emperor, he stuck his hand under his armor and pulled out a small ball he prepared prior. His commanding officers ought to be doing the same at that time too. The clump of rocks that was once the Great East Gate crumbled completely with a roar and vanished as light. He spotted multiple watch fires and the glint of dazzling weapons and armor further into the valley that opened straight on. That was the white iums’ defense army. Beyond them were lands sufficiently filled with abundance, endless resources, and manpower, enough for the mountain goblins to regain their age of glory. How could he become some discarded stone? He shall have the plains goblins, cursed with a chief without brains yet again, and the orcs, who were even stupider, play that role. Kosogi gripped the ball firmly within his left hand and thrust up the thick mountain knife in his right as he screamed in a deep voice. “All of you, stick together and come with me!! —Chargeeeee!!” * * * “First Unit, draw your swords and prepare to engage! Ascetics, prepare your healing arts and incantations!” Fanatio Synthesis Two’s proud voice pierced through the twilight, in her role as the integrity knight serving as the deputy head for the Human Empire Defense Army.