Page | 13 After this dream, I worried that some harm might have come to Rudy. Maybe he’d been injured or captured. No, of course not. He had Eris and Roxy with him… I thought long and hard about what to do to help, and in the end, I returned home that very day. It calmed my worries about my husband…but new worries sprung up in their place. My tummy had grown round and big. What if that dream was about the child inside it? I was fretting over nothing, I quickly told myself. There was no way that Rudy wouldn’t protect our child. There had to be a light awaiting them. I convinced myself that the pregnancy nerves were just getting to me. I put the dream out of my mind. Eventually, Rudy returned from the Demon Continent. I asked about a name for the baby. It had now been six months since he told me he’d “think one up.” I could have waited for it until after I gave birth, but I said I wanted to know in advance in case he left soon on another trip. “I’m sorry. I still haven’t thought about the name.” That moment, the thought of that dream flitted across my mind. The vision of that child surrounded by dark shadows with nobody to help him. Then, a worse one: Did Rudy love this child? Of course he did. I was sure of it. That night, however, I had the dream again. The shadows gathered around the child, who was far beyond my reach. I ran as fast as I could to help…but I didn’t make it. When I reached the child, I found that the shadows had gone…and that the child was dead. I woke up drenched in sweat. Just a dream. It was just pregnancy nerves. I wanted to believe that, but my mind kept racing. If the baby inherited my green hair…they’d almost certainly face discrimination because of it. The same way I had. While the most I ever had to deal with were neighborhood bullies, there was no