Page | 14 plenty of leaders far more suited to the job than I was, and more in line after that. I already had Roxy, after all. Recruitment was just one of many logistical needs. I needed a way to contact Orsted, for instance. Our failure to prevent Pax’s death during our last battle happened due to a lack of communication. Of course, it was far from the only cause…but if we’d had some clear way to reach Orsted, we might have been able to stop it. I couldn’t rely on Orsted for everything, but our plans were going to have us working separately more and more, so communication would be crucial. It was better to handle a delicate situation after consulting with your team than to trust your gut feeling alone. And if you knew your ally was in danger, you could rush to help. Not that I could imagine Orsted needing me to save him, but even being able to send him some information one-way could help him in a pinch. And so, I brought all this up to Orsted. I tried to explain the concept of a phone while asking if something like that already existed, and whether we could make one if it didn’t. “So, a magical implement that can send voices or text?” Orsted asked. “Text alone would be fine, but I figure it’d help if we had some way to share information over long distances. Like, if I have to make a tough decision, I’d rather talk it over with someone first. Do you think that’s possible?” I wasn’t optimistic. That would’ve been too convenient, right? “The dragonfolk have a magical implement like that,” said Orsted. “If we recreate it, then it should be possible to do what you’re asking.” I was surprised. “Huh, so stuff like that really does exist?” “Yes. You’ve seen one before, too.”