. Sale of the Empire to Didius Julianus 6. Death of Severus, Tyranny of Caracalla, Usurpation of Macrinus 7. Tyranny of Ma[imin, Rebellion, Civil :ars, Death of Ma[imin 8. State of Persia and Restoration of the Monarchy 9. State of Germany Until the Barbarians 10. Emperors Decius, Gallus, Aemilianus, 9alerian, and Gallienus 11. Reign of Claudius, Defeat of the Goths 12. Reigns of Tacitus, Probus, Carus, and His Sons 13. Reign of Diocletian and His Three Associates 14. Si[ Emperors at the Same Time, Reunion of the Empire 1. Progress of the Christian Religion 16. Conduct Towards the Christians, from Nero to Constantine