

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

Zero TŠ‡†ƒ›‘ˆƒƒ—…Š‹ƒ—”ƒǯ•ˆ—‡”ƒŽ‹•†”‡ƒ”›ƒ†…Ž‘—†›ǡ entirely at odds with the girl my classmate had been. I imagine a great many tearful people are at her funeral, their numbers and tears proving her life meant •‘‡–Š‹‰Ǣ„—– ǯ‘–ƒ‘‰ –Š‡Ǥ †‹†ǯ–ƒ––‡†Š‡”™ƒ‡Žƒ•–‹‰Š–ǡ‡‹–Š‡”Ǥ ǯ˜‡•–ƒ›‡†Š‘‡–Š‡‡–‹”‡ time. One classmate in particular could have forced me to go, but I guess ǯŽ—…›•Š‡…ƒǯ–ǡ•‹…‡•Š‡ǯ•‘Ž‘‰‡”‹–Š‹•™‘”Ž†Ǥ‡‹–Š‡”›–‡ƒ…hers nor her parents possess the authority or the personal duty to ask me to …‘‡Ǥ ǯ˜‡„‡‡ƒ„Ž‡ƒ‡›‘™†‡…‹•‹‘ƒ†•–‹…–‘‹–Ǥ ‡‡‹‰ƒ• ǯ•–‹ŽŽ‹Š‹‰Š•…Š‘‘Žǡ Šƒ˜‡–‘‰‘–‘…Žƒ••™Š‡–Š‡”‘”‘– anyone asks me to. But she died during school break, leaving nothing to force me out of the house and into the gloomy weather. –ǯ•‘”‹‰ǡƒ† •‡‡„‘–Š›’ƒ”‡–•‘ˆˆ–‘™‘”Ǥ •…”‘—‰‡ –‘‰‡–Š‡”ƒŽ—…Š„‡ˆ‘”‡Š‘Ž‹‰—’‹›”‘‘Ǥ ˆ›‘—–Š‹ ǯ•‡‡‹‰ solitude out of feelings of sadness or th‡‡’–‹‡••‘ˆŽ‘••ǡ›‘—ǯ”‡‹•–ƒ‡Ǥ ǯ˜‡ƒŽ™ƒ›•„‡‡–Š‡–›’‡–‘•–ƒ›‹›”‘‘ǡ—Ž‡•• Šƒ†–‘‰‘–‘ school, or my former classmate dragged me out into the world. Š‡ ǯŠ‡”‡ǡ ǯ‘•–Ž›”‡ƒ†‹‰„‘‘•Ǥ †‘ǯ–…ƒ”‡ˆ‘”•‡Žˆ-help or instructional stuffȄnovels are my escape of choice. I like to lie in bed with my head on my white pillow and read my books. Hardcovers are too heavy; I prefer pocket-sized paperbacks. Š‡„‘‘ ǯ”‡ƒ†‹‰”‹‰Š–‘™‹•‘‡ „‘””‘™‡†ˆ”‘Š‡”Ȅthe only book she treasured, as •Š‡™ƒ•‡˜‡”—…Š‘ˆƒ”‡ƒ†‡”Ǥ –ǯ•„‡‡•‹––‹‰‘ ›•Š‡Žˆˆ‘”ƒ™Š‹Ž‡‘™Ǥ ǯ†‹–‡†‡†–‘”‡ƒ†ƒ†”‡–—”‹–„‡ˆ‘”‡•Š‡†‹‡†ǡ but I was too late. …ƒǯ–…Šƒ‰‡–Šƒ–‘™Ǥ ˆ‹‰—”‡ ǯŽŽ”‡–—”–Š‡„‘‘–‘Š‡”ˆƒ‹Ž›™Š‡ ǯˆ‹‹•Š‡†Ǥ ǯŽŽŠ‘Ž†‘ˆˆ‘ paying my respects to her and her family until then. ›–Š‡–‹‡ ˆ‹‹•Š–Š‡„‘‘ǡ‹–ǯ•‡˜‡‹‰Ǥ–•‘‡’‘‹–ǡ …Ž‘•‡†–Š‡ curtains and turned on my fluorescent ceiling light so I could still see. My phone rings, and only then do I notice the passage of time. The call is nothing important; just my mother. I ignore her. She calls a second time, and I ignore her again. The third time, I guess it must have something to do with dinner, so I flip open the phone and put it to my ear.

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